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The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of “Refugees Even After Death: A Quest for Truth, Justice and Reconciliation” on Thursday, March 16.

This traveling photography exhibition of Jonathan Moller’s work reveals the tragic history of Guatemala from the early 1980s to the present.

The public is invited to attend the opening reception from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 16. The exhibition runs through April 6 and is free and open to the public. Artist’s talks will accompany this exhibition. See upcoming events at the Handwerker for details.

For further information please contact Handwerker Gallery director Cheryl Kramer at 274-3548.

Image: Jonathan Moller, Daniel Holds a Photograph of His Father, 2000.

Opening Reception -- Refugees Even After Death: A Quest for Truth, Justice and Reconciliation | 0 Comments |
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