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Due to recent system maintenance, a change was made to the default settings in the College's Webmail system that caused HTML-formatted e-mails to display improperly for some users. This change affects messages like the Intercom roundup on March 9 and 13, and other HTML-only messages. Starting March 16, the Intercom roundup will include a plain text version as well for those who prefer not to receive HTML e-mails or haven't changed their Webmail settings.

If you would like your Webmail messages to display in HTML format by default, please go to and log into your email account. Click the "Options" link at the top, and then click "Display Preferences" in the top right corner. Scroll down to the "Message Display and Composition" section, locate the "Show HTML Version by Default" option, and select "yes". Then click the "Submit" button at the bottom. HTML-formatted messages should now display properly.

For any questions or concerns, or for help with Webmail options, contact the Helpdesk at 607-274-3282.

Webmail - Problems Displaying Intercom Roundup, Other HTML Messages | 0 Comments |
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