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I'm delighted to announce that Chris Gonzales, web content specialist in the Office of Marketing Communications, is the new Intercom managing editor.

A graduate of the College's master's degree in communication, Chris completed his undergraduate degree at Oberlin and worked as a web writer, designer, and communicator at the MacArthur Foundation, Sundoro Development, Quantum Leap Communications, and the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois, all in Chicago. He's also worked in instructional technology for Empire State College.

Please welcome Chris to his new role in the College community! Remember to send questions about Intercom to

Welcome Our New Intercom Managing Editor | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Welcome Our New Intercom Managing Editor Comment from morgan on 03/16/06
Chris has already been extremely helpful to me: prompt when I had to fix an error, and thoughtful with editing suggestions. I'm sure others will agree.
Susanne Morgan
Welcome Our New Intercom Managing Editor Comment from oconnell on 03/17/06
Welcome, Chris!

We're very fortunate to have you on board.

Lauren O'Connell, Art History