Tired of coming to the Bursar's Office every other day to buy tickets for the iPod raffle? Wouldn't it be easier to get it all over with at once? By popular demand, the Bursar's Office is now offering a third option on the iPod raffle, especially designed to give you an even better chance of listening to your tunes as you walk to class. For a suggested donation of $10, you can buy 16 tickets all at once. Why stop with 16? Your best friend just bought 32 and you know that if he wins he will taunt you with his nifty iPod! And don't let that suggested price stop you from donating even more. The SPCA and Hospice will be grateful for your donation! And now on to the latest auction news.
A few more baskets have arrived this week, catering to your every needs. Try our lovely spa basket and transport yourself mentally to a warm, sunny, relaxing spot anywhere you want. Ahhhhhhhhhhh...feels good, doesn't it? While you are thinking of warm times, check out our picnic for 4 basket, just loaded with all sorts of beautiful necessities for that special picnic with your friends. While you are there, bring your favorite DVD movies to play in the exquisite personal DVD player we are offering. We can fulfill your every dream!
Now that it's almost spring and it is bright enough to really look at your walls, aren't they starting to look a bit drab? Not a problem...we can fix that for you! Be sure to check out our lovely original Chinese watercolor and our nature watercolor to spiff up your walls, or our photo series of flowers and Ithaca scenes. Original photos of romantic locations are also available to take your mind off Ithaca winters.
Where there's a will there's a way. We just received a donation of two separate will writing services. We never want to think about these things, but doesn't it make sense to make sure that the people you want to get your best stuff will do so when you're gone?
Want to make sure you are always looking at your best? Be sure to check out our beautiful handmade mirror, made with antique wood and designed by one of our top administrators. You look maaaaaaaaavelous!
Be on the lookout for more information on viewing items, which should be out soon. As always, Intercom is your best source for the updates. The Bursar's Benefit Auction will be held on Wednesday, March 29, in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. Silent Auction is from 10:00 am to noon, followed by the Live Auction from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. We gladly accept cash, check or credit cards for this great event! We will have raffles, prize balloons, and all sorts of goodies to tempt you. See you there!