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After 25 years, the African-Latino Society room wil be commemorated on March 28, 2006. All are invited to attend.

After 25 years of serving as a home to the African-Latino Society (ALS), the ALS room will finally be commemorated on March 28, 2006. The African-Latino Society, which was established in 1969, has accomplished many goals, initiated various policies, and struggled to promote cultural diversity on campus. This organization also serves as an umbrella organization to the Caribbean Students Association, KUUMBA Repertory Theater, the Amani Gospel Singers, and the Asian Culture Club.

It is with great pleasure that we welcome all to commemorate our home with us. We will convene in the African-Latino Society room, which is located in the lobby of the West Tower, for performances, speakers, and food. Please join us for this monumental occasion which will take place on March 28, 2006 at 5pm.

The African-Latino Society Room will be Commemorated | 0 Comments |
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