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Come join us for a teach-in.

The environmental studies capstone class will be presenting a teach-in regarding natural and sustainable landscaping practices at Ithaca College on Thursday, March 23, from noon to 1:00 p.m. in the McDonald Lounge in the Campus Center.

Methods of lawn care practices which are more environmentally-friendly and cost-effective than current practices will be presented as well as an opportunity for discussion. Susan Swensen, a botanist, and Rene Borgella, a conservation biologist from the biology department, will discuss the ecological benefits of changing landscaping practices. Also, Roger Casterline, assistant director of grounds, will discuss maintenance issues and why he enthusiastically welcomes these changes. All are welcome; a free lunch buffet will be provided. For more information please contact Christina Hollis at

Natural Landscaping Practices at Ithaca College | 0 Comments |
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