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ITS would like to notify users of college-owned Windows XP computers about a software update that will be installed automatically beginning on Wednesday, March 22.

There is a new version of the LANDesk client, which is the software used by the College for asset tracking and remote control. The asset tracking function allows ITS to keep track of the College’s computer inventory, and the remote control function is used to remotely assist users in solving computer problems.

The software update will install as part of the Novell login process (applicable to staff and faculty Novell logins only). You may notice two things to indicate that the software has been installed. The first will be a momentary flash of the computer screen a few minutes after logging in. Second, a new black and white “stopwatch” icon, identified as LANDesk Remote Control, will appear in the System Tray (some users may already have the stopwatch icon from an earlier version of the LANDesk software).

If you have any questions or experience any problems during or after the installation, please contact the Helpdesk.

ITS Helpdesk

Software Update to be Installed Automatically on Windows XP Computers | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Software Update to be Installed Automatically on Windows XP Computers Comment from mtedesc1 on 03/20/06
speaking of software updates, i hope ITS has noticed/corrected the java/flash update speech bubbles that have been popping up in the taskbar every single time a computer is logged into. and would it kill them to put a link to facebook in the firefox toolbars?
Software Update to be Installed Automatically on Windows XP Computers Comment from bkaupe on 03/22/06
The Flash updater pop-up will be fixed and Facebook link will be added when the labs are updated next.
That may not be until Summer.
These items are not a sufficient reason to update hundreds of computers at this time.

Bill Kaupe
Lab Systems Administrator