Attention all first year students! Fill out a survey and enter a drawing for prizes!
The Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life will be administering a survey to first year students to assess the impact of the division on student learning over time.
First year students will receive an e-mail during the week of March 20th with more information. Don’t wait to fill out the survey! All students who submit the survey within five days of receiving it will have their name entered five times in the drawing. After the first five days, your name will be entered once for the drawing. So complete it quickly for your best chance to win great prizes!
In total, five prizes will be awarded! By completing the survey you are eligible to win your choice of one of the following.
$100 gift card to I-Tunes
Ithaca College parking permit fee paid for the next academic year
$100 gift card to Wegmans
$100 added to your ID express account