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Tickets for Ithacappella's Acappellooza festival on April 8th at Historic Ithaca's State Theatre - featuring IC's Premium Blend, the Skidmore Sonneteers, and the Binghamton Crosbys - are now available. To celebrate our tenth anniversary, we're donating half of our ticket profits to VH1's Save the Music Campaign!

Tickets are $7.50 for students/seniors and $12 for general admission. Purchase your tickets at the Clinton House, Dillingham Center, Willard Straight Hall (Cornell), online at or by calling (607) 273-4497! The show begins at 7:30pm.

Join us as we rock out the State Theatre with four great a cappella groups and our alumni! Email questions to

ACAPPELLOOZA TICKETS now available! | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
ACAPPELLOOZA TICKETS now available! Comment from jkelley2 on 03/20/06
It would help us to know the actual date of this event.
ACAPPELLOOZA TICKETS now available! Comment from shunt1 on 03/23/06
Click the link. The date is April 8th.