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Is Al Franken Appearing at IC?

Contributed by John Hickey on 03/21/06 

And there was a lecturer on war journalism that I missed and a teacher said I should write about him (or was it her?)...

To keep up with speakers on campus, including some not on the official schedule, try the Speakers' Page I maintain as part of the Library's ongoing effort to make our collections reflect what's happening on campus;
If you missed the event, there's usually an article, or a book, or a video we've found, that relates to the topic. Please let me know, also, if you know of any speakers or presentations I've missed. BTW, Al Franken is scheduled to be here at the end of April, and the Library has a CD of the talk by Chris Hedges on war journalism, as well as his books.

Is Al Franken Appearing at IC? | 0 Comments |
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