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The Ithaca College women's track and field team has donated $1,250 to the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Cross. The team raised the money through sales of Bombers "Live Strong-style" bracelets.

"I am proud to accept this donation to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina relief from the Ithaca College women's track and field team," said Michael Raffe, director of emergency services for the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Cross. "It is wonderful to see Ithaca student-athletes make time in their very busy schedules and become involved in a community service project. We are very honored that they picked the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Cross. Thank you all for your efforts."

Raffe accepted a check from the team last week at a ceremony; pictured, from left, are assistant director of athletics Ernie McClatchie, head women’s track and field coach Jennifer Potter, seniors Nancy Andersen, B.A. Hoffman, Irena McQuarrie and Dianna Lyko, Raffe and Red Cross volunteer Nicholas Otts.

Bomber Women's Track and Field Team Donates $1,250 to Red Cross | 2 Comments |
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Bomber Women's Track and Field Team Donates $1,250 to Red Cross Comment from awoodard on 03/27/06
Way to go Women's Track & Field!!! You make us all very proud! :-)
Bomber Women's Track and Field Team Donates $1,250 to Red Cross Comment from kkutler on 03/30/06
Congratulations athletes and coaches for your compassion and outstanding work in service to a National cause!