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Visit the IC Library during National Library Week (April 2-8) and learn about ebooks, Noodlebib, the current literature collection, and the vast array of resources available to faculty, staff, and students. Stop at one of the service desks and pick up a "Get Connected @ the Library" bookmark.

The Library will also have a list of “Staff Picks” available – reviews written by members of the library staff of their favorite books, CDs and DVDs. There will be a Library Satellite Reference Desk in the lobby of Egbert Union on Tuesday, April 4, from noon to 1:00 p.m., complete with library staff, ready to answer your questions on the spot.

National Library Week is sponsored by the American Library Association and libraries across the country each April. Since 1958, it has been a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation’s libraries and library staff. The Library’s flag, which displays the international library symbol, will fly on the campus’s special flag pole throughout the week.

For more information about the history of National Library Week, see:

Get Connected at the IC Library: National Library Week | 0 Comments |
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