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Let's Cure Autism Now 3K Walkathon

Contributed by Lana Morse on 03/30/06 

The first annual Let's Cure Autism Now 3K Walkathon will be held on the Ithaca Commons, April 8, from noon to 3:00 p.m. There will be a number of performances, raffles, and face painting.

Current statistics show that one in every 166 children are born with autism. With that said, autism is one of the nation's fastest-growing childhood disorders. More children are diagnosed with autism than with Leukemia, Muscular Dystrophy, Cystic Fibrosis, Juvenile Diabetes, and Pediatric Aids combined. All of the proceeds generated from this event will be donated to the Cure Autism Now Foundation (CAN), an organization that funds research and assists families and individuals who are affected by autism. There is no fee to walk. Please come down to the Commons and show your support for this wonderful cause. Our hope is that this event can continue to grow, develop, and become a significant part of an Ithaca tradition. With your help, the first annual Let's Cure Autism Now 3K Walkathon will be a success. THANK YOU SO MUCH AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!

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