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NRDC Paper Campaign

Contributed by Andres Perez Charneco on 04/02/06 

Want to improve IC's paper choices? Want to work with one of the largest national environmental defense organizations? Interested in student leadership and activism?

On April 10th members of the Natural Resource Defence Council will visit the IC campus about a nationwide collegiate "better paper choices" campaign. IC already features well established paper saving campaigns like double-sided printing in all the computer labs and a 30% recycled content policy for all paper purchases. These features represent the kind of student activism and leadership needed for any progressive change. If you want to see IC do better (ex. 100% recyled paper policy) with its paper and printing then please come to the NRDC presentation. The presentation will take place on Monday, April 10th at 7pm in Friends 207.

Rated by Worth Magazine as one of America's top 100 charities, the NRDC is at the vanguard of environmental action both in Washington, DC and nationwide. As an organization that dedicated 80% of its budget to environmental action the NRDC works in education and action across myriad issues. Essential in the passing of the Clean Water Act, the Montreal Protocol, and the recent defense of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, theNRDC has something for all interested individuals.

Please come on April 10th at 7pm in Friends 207 to see how you can be a part of positive change at IC. See how you can get your introduction to the non-proft world and environmental activism!

Sponsored by the Ithaca College Environmental Society (ICES)

Contact for more information.

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