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This program, offered by the Division of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions, is designed to increase the competence of professionals conducting exercise programs for healthy clients and for people with controlled disease.

The program is comprised of three components: the Health/Fitness Instructor Workshop – May 6 and 7; the Weight Management for the Fitness Professional CEC Seminar – May 8; and the ACSM Health/Fitness Instructor Certification Examination – two offerings May 8 or 9.

The faculty who lead the HFI workshop, Gary Sforzo, professor, exercise and sport science; Frank Micale, clinical associate professor, exercise and sport science; Betsy Keller, professor, exercise and sport science, are certified by the American College of Sport Medicine and are experts in health and fitness. Lectures are designed to conform to ACSM learning objectives and lab practicums emphasize mastery of techniques evaluated by the practical questions on the ACSM exam.

Gain a competitive edge over your competition by better understanding the potential of exercise as a weight management intervention while earning additional ACSM continuing education credits through the one-day bonus Weight Management seminar.

A unique feature of this program is the opportunity to take the ACSM certification examination on-site immediately following the workshop. The exam will be offered twice: once on Monday evening and again on Tuesday morning.

For more information, please visit our website at

Division of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions
120 Towers Concourse

Health/Fitness Instructor Workshop, Weight Management CEC Seminar and ACSM Certification Examination: May 6 to 9 | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Health/Fitness Instructor Workshop, Weight Management CEC Seminar and ACSM Certification Examination: May 6 to 9 Comment from jdomber1 on 04/06/06
I find the indoor temperature at Ithaca College to be extremely uncomfortable so if you are considering adjusting the current thermastat please consider my comments. In the winter time everyone is dressed for the winter, in sweaters and layered clothing. Therefore turning the heat up super high creates an uncomfortable situation. Likewise in the summer time, when everyone is wearing skirts and shorts, the indoors are unpleasantly freezing, like a tundra. I recommend a consistent temperature year round that is Chucky Cheeses for example, it is at a constant right of 71 degrees. Adopting this method would also save money in the winter.