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Jump Rope for Heart Disease

Contributed by Mary Bennett on 04/04/06 

Help Ithaca College fight heart disease and stroke.


The Health Promotion and Physical Education Majors Club here at Ithaca
College is joining in the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart
effort and holding an event at Cayuga Heights Elementary School. We are
collecting money in support of the students at the school who will be
jumping rope to help the American Heart Association raise money to fight
heart disease and stroke. Can you help support the kids by making a

The American Heart Association's online fundraising website has a minimum
donation amount of $25.00, and the link is below. The HPPE Majors Club is
selling hearts in Hill Center for $1. Stop by, donate a $1 and put the
name of someone you know infected by heart disease or stroke on the heart!
The hearts will be hung up around Hill Center!

Login to visit our web page and help The HPPE Majors Club in its efforts
to support The American Heart Association - Northeast Affiliate

Thank you very much for you time!

Ithaca College HPPE Majors Club

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