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Associate Professor of Politics Naeem Inayatullah has been
active in presenting his work over the last two months.
Here is a list of some highlights:

“Inside Out: From Methodological to Critical Pluralism,” a talk given
at the symposium on Accounting for Culture in Politics, University of
Florida, February 10-11, 2006.

“The Cultural Constitution of Political Economy,” paper presented at
the Journal Studies in Political Economy’s annual conference, Carleton
University, Ryerson University and University of Ottawa, Toronto,
Canada, February 23-25, 2006.

"Multiple Forms of Writing IR: Triangulating towards a Kind of
Wholeness," a talk given at the workshop Ways of Writing: Feminist,
Poststructural and Postcolonial Perspectives, 47th Annual Convention of
the International Studies Association, San Diego. March 21, 2006.

“Circuits of Conversion: Money and Everyday Life,” and “Undressing the
Wound of Wealth,” papers presented at the 47th Annual Convention of the
International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, March 21-25, 2006.

“Seeing War of the Worlds” (with Ithaca College students, Joey Gaskins
and Nethra Samarawickrema), a talk given Ithaca High School, March 29,

Participant and discussant in the symposium Mirror for the Muslim
Prince: Islam and the Theory of Statecraft, Syracuse University, March
31-April 1, 2006.

Naeem Inayatullah: Recent Talks and Paper Presentations | 0 Comments |
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