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The new B.S. in Health Care Management program has been approved and registered with New York State department of Education.

The Ithaca College Department of Health Promotion & Physical Education is pleased to announce a new B.S. program in Health Care Management. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to an informational presentation about the new bachelor of science degree in health care management, to be offered beginning Fall 2006.

Thursday, April 13, 2006
12:10 to 1:00 p.m.
Hill 54

The Health Care Management major prepares students for entry level management careers in health care facilities, insurance companies, public health agencies, and pharmaceutical firms. The program prepares professionals to manage the sustainable delivery of clinical health care within a framework that seeks to reduce and manage errors, costs, and demands from regulators, providers, and consumers. With a required minor in the School of Business, the program allows interested and qualified students to continue on with an Ithaca College M.B.A. degree. Students receive an integrated education in general business management and the skills and tools necessary to assume a leadership role in managing health promotion, disease prevention, and health policy interventions.

For more information, contact Karen Edwards, 23 Hill Center, 274-3712;

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