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Women and the Leadership/Work/Family Conflict
Monday, April 10
7:00 p.m.
North Meeting Room
**Earns credit towards the "Leadership in a Diverse World" Certificate**

An interesting, challenging career and a happy, fulfilling family life - can a woman have it all? In this session, we will discuss the changes that will allow more and more women to take on positions of leadership and achievement without sacrificing their personal lives.

The Student Leadership Institute is a free ongoing series of workshop sessions designed around topics in leadership and is intended for all Ithaca College students. Presented by the Center for Student Leadership & Involvement, you can learn more about the Student Leadership Institute by visiting the Center website at or calling 274-3222.

Vera Whisman to Present: "Ooops, I Forgot to Have Children!" As Part of the Student Leadership Institute | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Vera Whisman to Present: "Ooops, I Forgot to Have Children!" As Part of the Student Leadership Institute Comment from eengel1 on 04/09/06
Why don't we ever have discussions about whether or not we need to have
children? The threat of overpopulation combined with American
overconsumption of natural resources makes raising children in America
today a bigger investment than ever, not only for parents but for the
community and the world. Our means of food distribution are already
insufficient to alleviate hunger in many parts of the world. Is adding
MORE people to the mix really the best choice? Maybe women aren't
forgetting to have children; they're just choosing to make the world better
by not making it worse.
Vera Whisman to Present: "Ooops, I Forgot to Have Children!" As Part of the Student Leadership Institute Comment from cdecesa1 on 04/12/06
While the previous commentor makes a interesting point, it is important to keep in mind the main issue is that women in america often feel as though they cannot have both a career and a family and that they must choose one over the other. Until we look at the reasons why this is the case, things will not change. Additionally, women must have the opportunity to pursue both family and careers as equally as men, or they will continue to be absent from the decision making processes in the US which as well all know, effect the rest of the world.