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On Saturday April 8, eleven students from the Math Department presented research at the 13th annual Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference at Westfield State College in Massachussetts.

This conference, focusing solely on the mathematical research work of undergraduates, provides students an opportunity to present their work and interact with other students and faculty from colleges and universities in the Northeast. Supported by the H&S Ithaca Fund and the Math Department, the following students presented their papers.

Jilian Cavanna '07 and Brett Hotchkiss '07, "Geometry in Culture: Mathematical Explorations of Infinite Patterns."

Matt Rogala '08, "Searching for Connections: Bessel Functions and Fibonacci Polynomials."

Jolie Baumann '07 and Peta-Gay McCarthy '07, "Fun with Polynomials and Applications."

Walter Hannah '06, "Internal Rays of the Mandelbrot Set."

Maksim Sipos '07, "On Convex Figures of Constant Width in the Euclidean Plane."

Dustin Adams '06 and Justin Ryan '06, "Gambler's Ruin and Difference Equations."

Eric Callahan '06 and Bryan Reynolds '06, "A Statistical Analysis of the Home Field Advantage in Baseball."

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