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Strongest Ever is an hour-long documentary profiling Becca Swanson, the strongest woman in the world. The premiere will be held on Wednesday, April 19, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. in Park Auditorium. The screening is free and open to the public.

The film details the passion, pain, and endless dedication necessary to become the strongest ever.

Production began in 2004 in the Ithaca College course, Documentary Research. After completing a 14-minute pilot on the sport of Strongman, Jacqueline Willemsen '06, Chris Lavigne '06, and Colleen Evanson '06 decided to continue their research into strength sports beyond the classroom.

The students eventually formed Big Deal Productions with Emmy-winning producer and Park School professor, Ben Crane. The topic shifted when they decided to concentrate on Becca Swanson, a world-class powerlifter. The production traveled to Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Helsinki, Finland, documenting Becca’s quest to become the strongest woman in history.

While enrolled in Video Workshop with Park School professor Peter Johanns, the students created an 8-minute trailer for Strongest Ever, honored by selection for PreVues 6, the Park School’s student film and video showcase.

Big Deal Productions received partial financial support from Ithaca College, through grants provided by the Roy H. Park School of Communications and the Office of the Provost.

Willemsen, Lavigne, and Evanson are TV-R majors.

Student Producers Screen Documentary on the Strongest Woman in the World | 1 Comments |
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Student Producers Screen Documentary on the Strongest Woman in the World Comment from cdecesa1 on 04/12/06
Strongest Ever is going to be SICK! Everyone should go.