The Office of Residential Life is still accepting applications for students who are interested in moving off-campus for the 2006-2007 academic year.
Students are being approved on a first-come, first serve basis once we receive a completed application, approval from the student’s parent/legal guardian (if under 21) that they may apply for off-campus, and confirmation that the student has completed the internet module, “Putting the Pieces Together: Being a Responsible Member of the Ithaca Community” found at Students may apply for off-campus as individuals or as a group of up to six (6) students.
Please understand that any student who is looking to move off-campus for the 2006-2007 academic year should complete an application (as long as they will not have senior standing in the fall). There is no mid-year off-campus process. Therefore, if you are participating in an away from campus program in the fall (Study Abroad, IC London, Washington D.C., Los Angeles) or taking a leave of absence and planning to return in the spring semester, this is your ONLY opportunity to be approved for off-campus.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Residential Life at 274-3141 or