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To All Ithaca College Students:

With the end of the academic year fast approaching, we wanted to remind all Ithaca College students to act responsibly and be safe. In particular, for those students who live off-campus in the Ithaca community or attend gatherings off-campus, we ask for your cooperation in insuring that a respectful and civil atmosphere is maintained and that the rights of our neighbors are not violated.

In particular, we want to warn you about participating in what has become known as the “Prospect Street Party” on the last day of classes at Ithaca College. In recent years, this gathering has resulted in excessive noise, underage drinking, and various violations of local laws and ordinances. South Hill residents have been very clear that this event has caused serious disruptions in the local neighborhood and damage to personal property. This year, the Ithaca Police Department and the New York State Police will have a “zero tolerance” policy in effect and will be arresting those participants who violate the law on public property. This is a serious matter, and in order to avoid legal problems and fines for yourself or student residents of Prospect Street, we urge you not to participate in this non-sanctioned event.

In addition, please be aware that the City of Ithaca enacted a new noise ordinance two years ago with stricter sanctions. The Ithaca Police Department and the Sheriff’s Office plan to vigorously enforce all local laws and ordinances, particularly all alcohol laws including those related to underage drinking and open containers on and around the last day of classes and finals week. Please avoid any actions which may lead to problems for yourself or others.

Representatives from the South Hill Civic Association, Neighbors of Ithaca College, Ithaca Police Department, Sheriff’s Office, the Town of Ithaca, City Council, and Ithaca College, including student representatives from the Student Government Association, have been working hard to create strong campus/community relations and a positive off-campus living environment for everyone. Please cooperate, be safe and make good decisions.

We would also like to invite you to an event that is in its second year and surely on its way to becoming a tradition – IC Kicks Back. This will be a fun and relaxing experience that will make great memories for you and your friends. IC Kicks Back is an event that is facilitated by IC After Dark but there are many other student organizations and college departments/offices that are co-sponsoring this event. Bureau of Concerts, The Center for Student Leadership & Involvement, Student Government Association, Student Affairs & Campus Life, The President’s Office, Recreational Sports, the 2009 Class Council, Residential Life, Dining Services and many other departments/offices. IC Kicks Back will be held on Friday, April 28th from 2:30 – 5:30 pm in the Campus Center Quad and will include a free barbecue, DJ and dancing, giant inflatables such as the Giant Moon bounce, Adrenaline Rush, and the Giant inflatable slide. Other fun things will be cotton candy, popcorn, snow cones, spin art on Frisbees, volleyball, horseshoes, give-a-ways and so much more. Don’t miss out on this fabulous event!

Best wishes for a safe end of the semester.


Brian McAree
Vice President
Student Affairs and Campus Life

Tim Klein
Student Government Association

Last Day of Classes and Year End Celebrations | 5 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Last Day of Classes and Year End Celebrations Comment from dheshma1 on 04/19/06
It's true: you'll get your ass arrested if you so much as step foot on the sidewalk with a beer burp. But, what I want to know is: what sedated stuffed shirt wrote an invitation to attend a hoakie event he himself will not end up attending cause he'll be too drunk?

And what's with all the committee name dropping? Sounds like kissing butt. I saw mr. prez there last year in his underwear trying to squash a Nalgene between his thighs.
Last Day of Classes and Year End Celebrations Comment from wstokes1 on 04/20/06
I seem to remember similar warnings about Prospect being issued last year. Nothing came of those messages and I expect little will come of these. The block party on Prospect Street is the most unifying event the Ithaca College student body participates in on a yearly basis and I hope it will continue to be a good time for everyone for years to come.
Last Day of Classes and Year End Celebrations Comment from rcalley1 on 04/20/06

It's really amazing that this school can be so out of touch with its students and still turn a profit.

Mr. McAree, apparently you're unaware, the only reason the end of year celebration has moved off campus in the first place is because Fountain Day is no longer allowed.

I point all of you to an archive page at the Ithacan discussing the end of Fountain Day:

Fountain Day was an on-campus end of year celebration akin to such celebrations at a majority of similar institutions. If this is a residential campus that is so big on fostering community, why are you pushing us off campus in the first place?

And don't tell me the 2pm-5pm whatever-day is a replacement because it isn't. The social scene at this school is already lacking... and with the leadership of wonderfully out-of-touch people like Mr McAree, it will undoubtedly get worse.
Last Day of Classes and Year End Celebrations Comment from mquinta1 on 04/21/06
Since Vice President McAree has been at Ithaca College for a number of years, I'm positive he knows about Fountain Day. Job Hall may be out of touch with the student body's (partying) interests, but there's a clear reason for it: if one in every four Ithaca College student pays full price to attend school here, and the majority of students who are under 21 are still under their parent's control, the school is undoubtedly going to be concerned with parent's concerns and the image of the school as a whole. Do you think schools like being listed (in our case, probably the only listing) in Princeton Review as "Best School For Getting Wasted"?

President Williams, with the support of then-president of SGA Nick Tarant, moved the event to Senior Week after huge concerns of safety (drunk, underage students running into a slippery fountain) and the fact the college was basically sponsoring underage and irresponsible drinking habits. It's the same reason Slope Day at Cornell has such tight restrictions.

Fountain Day was enjoyed by lots of people, including some more relaxed faculty, but it was killed as students knew it and now is seen as only a privledge of the graduating class. Prospect Day showed up as a result of the college buying the Circles and creating a student ghetto in between what was a nice neighborhood to live in in addition to students wanting a last huge party to fill the void.

SGA then was against it, as well as the 100 students who showed up to voice their concern about losing Fountain Day. (A better source of news, not letters is here) Fewer students showed up to the Town Council meetings when they passed the noise laws. Plenty of people were wearing Save Prospect t-shirts while being loaded into the drunk bus. Last year's Prospect was tamer, but it was because students who live there actually tried to work with police. Those who didn't, paid.

If anyone should be blamed for Fountain Day's death, it should be

  1. Nick Tarant, the student voice that ignored the rest of campus in a power-play move and ended up writing a book about it
  2. parents who don't like their children being encouraged by their expensive college to get wasted and jump in a fountain on the last day of classes
  3. Peggy Williams for doing her job of making sure students are accidently killing themselves on college property while simultaneously breaking several laws right outside her window
  4. and the students themselves. Remember that when it came time to print t-shirts, everyone was there, but when it came to justifying what was an actual dangerous situation with something more than "Well, it's fun and we got to do it last year." - no one came.
Last Day of Classes and Year End Celebrations Comment from rcalley1 on 04/21/06
I don't think fountain day should be brought back (due to the history), I'm just saying this school just needs to throw a big bash that they actually spend some money on.

We had inflatable stuff at my high school junior prom - it was campy then, it's campy now. We're becoming adults here at IC and I think we deserve the appreciation of our institution for all of our hard work during the year (hard work that gets our college a lot of national attention).

Now I'm not sure who pays for this but on July 4th every year IC hosts an amazing fireworks display that people all around our community look forward to. This college needs to try harder to make our end of the year celebration just as noteworthy.

Not to disrespect the efforts of students who are coordinating IC Kicks Back - I know it's taking you a lot of hard work, but c'mon guys let's think outside the box on this one.