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iMPrint Magazine: College Life's Internet Magazine, has published it's third April edition.

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Here's a look at this week's stories:

Playing games and making millions: Johnathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel, 21, is a pioneer in cyber gaming
By Colleen Shea, iMPrint Writer

In Greek, the word athlete translates to competitor, and video gamers of the world are taking this definition to heart as they ride the wave of technology into the third dimensions of athleticism.

New technologies are helping college athletes optimize performance and limit injuries
By Khrista Trerotola, iMPrint Writer

Technology, like the CorTemp Temperature Pill® used by North Carolina A & T, bombards the world of fitness and athletic training. Not only do these advancements significantly alter athletic environments, but they also improve the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries and help athletes to optimize performance.

The Other Side: College athletes shouldn’t be paid
By Dan Cassavaugh, iMPrint Writer

This past January, Vince Young helped his Texas Longhorns capture the BCS National Championship. Young definitely earned his $22,000 paycheck – I mean, scholarship.

A month later, J.J. Redick curled off a screen and broke the NCAA record for most career three-pointers, showing Coach Mike Krzyzewski why Duke pays Redick nearly $31,000 per year in scholarships.

iMPrint Weekly: A 21-year-old cyber gaming millionaire and wireless pills for athletes | 0 Comments |
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