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Each year the Center for Teacher Education (soon to become the Department of Education) publishes the Partnership in Teaching booklet. The booklet is a registry of Ithaca College “partners,” and lists faculty as well as staff, and their areas of expertise in the form of presentations available to local schools.

More than fifteen hundred copies of the booklet are distributed to all public schools in the T-S-T BOCES district each year. We will publish the Partnership booklet over the summer, so that teachers can better plan their school year with Partnership opportunities in mind.

The purpose of the Partnership in Teacher Program is to make connections between the College and surrounding public and private K-12 schools. At the core of the program are the Ithaca College faculty and staff who volunteer their time and expertise in support of area schools. We hope that you will join us in the program.

If you would like to be included in the 2006-07 booklet or if you need further information, please contact Diane Kinne ( or 274-1488). Also, the deadline to be included in the 2006-2007 Partnership in Teaching booklet will be May 15, 2006. We thank you in advance for your interest in this program.

Partnership in Teaching Booklet - New Participants Welcome | 0 Comments |
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