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This year’s recipients of the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges award are among a select group of the top one percent of students at Ithaca College.

These students have demonstrated outstanding performance in both academic and non-academic endeavors during their years here.

Please join us in at the annual reception as a tribute to their achievements on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Emerson Suite C of the Campus Center.

The following individuals have been selected to be listed among the finest students in the nation:

Jessica Acquard
Kreg Adamsen
Brian Andruskiewicz**
Megan Barbato**
Morgan Bianco
Fred Chandra**
Melissa Choiniere**
Samira Choudhury
Jazmin Correa**
Brian Dashew**
Melissa DiCola
Kalina Dimitrova
Dominick DiOrio**
Laurel Dreher*
Zachary Ford*
Kathleen Gasperine
Jennifer Gaulin
Evan Gever**
Katharina Glaser**
Matt Gogal*
Raphael Golberstein
Danielle Goren*
Annie Grappone
Erin Grosstephan**
Katie Harris
Joshua Hite
Stephanie Hunt**
Aaron Inver
Jennifer Koo
Stephanie Lehner
Kristen Leising*
Alexandra Lerman
Heather Lew**
Melissa Lulay**
Jonathan Mack**
Doreen Mashu*
Radka Mincheva**
Jenna Ott**
Karl Palsgaard**
Chris Pearsall**
Andres Perez-Charneco
Allen Perriello**
Mark Pinciotti
Wameq Raza
Joncier Rienecker
Arleigh Rothenberg**
Bridget Sheehan*
David Simoni*
Brian Solomon
Jeffrey Stein
Lindsay Stoll
David Syracuse
April Tam**
Laura Teeter*
Annabelle Terbetski
Kirstin Webster*
Kathryn Wozencroft**
Erin Yacaginsky**

* Denotes Second Year Recipient

** Denotes Junior Year Recipient

2005-06 Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Recipients | 0 Comments |
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