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NYC Summer Bus Trip

Contributed by Susanna Stumpe on 04/19/06 

Enjoy New York City this June. The IC Bus Trips Committee has a bus going to the Big Apple!

  • Saturday, June 3, 2006
  • $32 / person – round trip from Ithaca College
  • Payment due: May 18, 4 pm
  • Open to Ithaca College faculty, staff, students, friends and family
  • Roundtrip transportation will be provided from Ithaca College, O-lot. We will depart IC at 6 am, and depart Manhattan at 7 pm. Rest and smoke breaks will be made en route both ways – by group consensus.

    Bring your check to Barbie (Bursar) by 4 pm on Thursday, May 18, to reserve your seat (checks only payable to Ithaca College). For more information on this trip visit our website, or you can e-mail us at

    This trip brought to you by Staff Council.

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