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Twelve Ithaca College students presented original research at the 2006 Conference for Undergraduate Research in Communication, held at the Rochester Institute of Technology on April 19.

The conference awarded “Best Paper Awards” in four categories, three of which were won by Ithaca College students.

Dennis (D.J.) McGlaughlin “’Freedom’ in the Rhetorical Discourse of President George W. Bush: An Ideographic Analysis.” - Rhetoric and Public Address Category

Alyssa Gardina “Use of Computer Mediated Communication in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games.” - Computer Mediated Communication Category

Jennifer Whitney and Padmini Harchandrai “Video Games are Cooler Than Homework: The Role of Video Games in Procrastination.” - Mass Communication Category

IC Communication Students Present at Conference - Win Best Paper Awards | 0 Comments |
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