"Successful Tenure and Promotion at Ithaca College," a program featuring remarks by the Provost and panels of recent candidates and all-college committee members, takes place on Wednesday April 26, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Textor 103.
"Good Practice in Tenure Evaluations" is a set of two workshops on Tuesday, May 16. Based on a major report by the American Council on Education, the American Association of University Professors, and United Educators Insurance Risk Retention Group, the workshops are open to any faculty member or academic administrator.
Both workshops are interactive and focus on provocative case studies. The morning workshop will be of great interest to department chairs, deans, and members of the all-college review committees. The afternoon one will also be useful to departmental mentors and review committee members.
Mary Childers, Ph.D., a leading consultant on tenure and discrimination issues, leads the workshops and D. Frank Vinik, J.D., of United Educators, will also attend as a resource.
For more information, including online registration, please visit the Center for Faculty Excellence at https://www.ithaca.edu/cfe/events_T&PWorkshop2006.htm.
To download a description of the workshops, see https://www.ithaca.edu/cfe/GoodPracticeInTenEvalAnnounce.pdf.
Contact Susanne Morgan (morgan@ithaca.edu) with questions.