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Can a story change the world? Find out on Tuesday, April 25, at 8:00 p.m. in Textor 101. "Invisible Children" tells the story of three young Americans who undertook a film-making adventure in Africa, but whose experience transformed into much more, when they found themselves stranded in Northern Uganda. They discovered children being kidnapped nightly from their homes and subsequently forced to fight as child soldiers. This film is dedicated to exposing this tragic and - amazingly - largely untold story.

At this moment, in Uganda, children as young as 8 are methodically kidnapped from their homes by a rebel group called the “Lord’s Resistance Army” (LRA). The abducted children are then desensitized to the horror of brutal violence and killing, as they themselves are turned into vicious fighters. Some escape and hide, in constant fear for their lives. Most remain captive and grow to maturity with no education other than life “in the bush” and fighting in a guerilla war. Of the many ramifications that a 20-year-long war can cause, the film highlights what the community refers to as “night commuters.” We watch thousands of children “commute” out of fear from their villages to nearby towns each night in order to avoid the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) abductions. They sleep in public places, vulnerable and without supervision.

This film focuses in on four young boys. Through their eyes, we relive the terror of abduction, courage of survival, the heartbreak of losing a brother, and the innate joy found only in a child. The three filmmakers were amazed to find many things in common between these kids and kids in America, themselves included.

As the three filmmakers left Northern Uganda, they were appalled by what they had seen, and yet, in awe of the resilience and hope they found in these children and their community. The filmmakers thought: How could such an atrocity exist for such a long time, without the world knowing? What the filmmakers found was a tragedy that disgusted and inspired them. Come, and discover the unseen.

This film is fast paced, with an MTV beat, made for the young and young at heart. This wonderfully scrappy rock-and-roll documentary is something truly unique. To see Africa through young eyes is funny, and heartbreaking, quick and informative-all in the very same breath.

See this film, you will be forever changed.

For more information about the film, visit

If - after seeing the screening - you decide you want to do something to make a difference and help end a war: commit to one night. Due to the overwhelming response of viewers to seeing the film wherever it has been screened, Ithaca will host a GLOBAL NIGHT COMMUTE on Saturday, April 29 at Dewitt Park in downtown Ithaca. Join people from all over the nation in solidarity with the night commuters in Uganda. Sign up online:

Campus Screening of "Invisible Children" on Tuesday, April 25 at 8:00 p.m. | 1 Comments |
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Campus Screening of "Invisible Children" on Tuesday, April 25 at 8:00 p.m. Comment from kmcaree2 on 04/23/06
I think it is wonderful that you are showing this film and that Ithaca is hosting a part of the Global Night Commute!! I signed up for the commute but where can I get more information on when it starts and things of that nature? Thanks!