Progress continues on the development and design of Ithaca’s new Athletics and Events Center to be located in the southeast quadrant of the campus. In February, the Board of Trustees authorized architectural firm Moody-Nolan to begin the program definition phase of the project, one of the design steps that will involve surveying users of the facility to identify more specific design parameters.
On May 3 and 4, Moody-Nolan will be on campus to begin that work, and to meet with the stakeholder team. At the completion of the program definition phase, the architects will incorporate the results of their campus input survey and produce an updated rendering of the building that will include floor plans and refinements to the building’s scope and appearance. At that time, the firm will also deliver a detailed plan for a lighted turf field, so the College can explore the possibility of developing that component of the project in advance of the formal opening of the center.
The new Athletics and Events Center will be a home for IC athletics and recreational sports, and provide the largest indoor venue on campus for large gatherings such as commencement, lectures, and concerts. The center may also offer innovative opportunities to form unique active-learning partnerships with IC’s academic programs, such as sport media, broadcasting, and athletic training.