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The Ithaca College Adoption Support Group will meet on Tuesday, May 2, from noon to 1:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Seminar Room.

We will be joined at this meeting by Renee Hettich ’87, LSW, adoption social worker for Family Connections in Cortland and by an intern currently working at that agency. The intern, an adult adoptee who was born in Ethiopia, hopes to learn about some of the issues that challenge and thrill adoptive parents and other adoptees as she considers adoption social work as a potential career path.

We will also have time to share current challenges and updates. I know I will find this sharing particularly helpful at this busiest time of the year.

Again, please feel free to bring your lunch. Beverages and dessert will be provided. Thanks to Human Resources for their support of this group.

Adoption Support Group Hosts Intern | 0 Comments |
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