The Ithaca College-EcoVillage at Ithaca Partnership for Sustainability is pleased to announce that ten Ithaca College faculty members and five resident educators at EcoVillage at Ithaca have been awarded $1,000 minigrants to assist in their development of sustainability curricula. This brings to 43 the number of sustainability curriculum minigrant awards made over four years. The Ithaca College coordinating team, headed by biologists Jason Hamilton, Susan Allen-Gil, and Susan Swensen, are pleased to recognize the wide diversity of disciplines represented by this year's sustainability curriculum development awards. Faculty in art history, writing, health promotion and physical education, mathematics, physics, therapeutic recreation and leisure services, women's studies, and psychology are all planning to create exciting new sustainability-themed curricula.
The IC-EVI Partnership for Sustainability solicited applications for curriculum development initiatives in the area of sustainability, offering $1,000 curriculum development mini-grants to support work conducted during the summer of 2006. In the past, the partnership has funded proposals to teach new courses, develop new components of existing courses, and revise existing courses to deal with issues relating to sustainability. The coordinating team, in its invitation, especially encouraged applications from the humanities, social sciences, health sciences, music, and communications.
Click for complete information on the funded minigrant proposals for Summer 2006,
All minigrant awardees will take part in two ½-day workshops. The first will be on "Teaching Sustainability across the Curriculum," to be held on May 25 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Ithaca College. This is an open session in IC's Summer Faculty Institute. Then the awardees will gather together on May 30 at EcoVillage to get to know all minigrant recipients and to discuss their proposed projects. Past award recipients will be invited to attend to share their perspectives and insights.
Click for information on past minigrant proposals:
All minigrant award recipients are expected to offer a public presentation of their work once it is finished (e.g. for Campus Sustainability Day, or for a faculty colloquium).
If you thought about submitting a proposal this year but didn't get to it, plan early and watch for next year's call for proposals. In the meantime, please consider attending the Summer Faculty Institute session on May 25 to learn more about sustainability curriculum development.