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AIDS Ride for Life

Contributed by Erica Weiss on 05/03/06 

Are you thinking about riding a bike this time of year? If so, join the Ithaca College Team for the AIDS Ride for Life. Start training NOW! As a rider, you will have two challenges: raising money for Southern Tier AIDS Program and completing the route you have trained for.

Who? Anyone who can ride a bike and raise money for a good cause.
What? A fun community event!
Where? 50, 85 or 100 mile ride around Cayuga Lake
When? September 9, 2006
Why? Because we care about those affected by HIV/AIDS (and get in shape at the same time)
How? For more information and to register for the Ride -- contact or call 607-272-4098
Register under the Ithaca College Team name!
To find out more information about our team-
contact Erica Weiss at 607-272-6234 or email-

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