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Ithaca College is well represented in a just released anthology: "Learning Culture Through Sports: Exploring the Role of Sports in Society," edited by Sandra S. Prettyman and Brian Lampman.

Ellen Staurowsky and Stephen Mosher, professors in the department of SPort Management and Madia, each have a chapter: Staurowsky's "Making Sense of the American Indian Mascot Issue," explores this complicated and emotionally charged issue, while Mosher's "Songs Sung Red, White, and Blue: Music, Sports and the Rhetoric of Patriotism," approaches a variety of pop culture forms with a question as to the appropriateness of them being linked to patirotism.

Alumni Maureen Smith, and Kyle Kusz also have chapters in the anthology. Smith, who earned undergraduate and master's degrees from Ithaca in Physical Eduacation and is now an associate professor in Kinesiology and Health Sciences at California State University, Sacramento, has an essay titled "Reconsidering Girl Power: Examining Media Images of Female Athletes." Kusz, who earned his undergraduate degree in Sport Studies and is presently an assistant professor in kinesiology at the University of Rhode Island also writes about sport and media in his essay "Why be a 'Jackass'?: Media Images of Young White Men In and Out of Sport in New Millennium America."

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