Hello! We’d like to pass along a few changes and reminders regarding IC Library services for this summer and next fall:
Summer 2006:
*Library hours have been expanded! Until August 5, we’re now open most Monday – Thursday nights until 10:00 p.m. For more specific hours information, please see the Hours section on the library’s webpage
*Teaching a summer course? You can submit requests for reserve materials online now – see the Reserves section of the library’s webpage.
*Interested in learning more about our databases and services? We’re open all summer long—you can set up can set up individual appointments with subject librarians for training.
*Take advantage of our Popular Reading collection for your summer reading fix!
Fall 2006:
*Faculty & Staff loan periods for books & scores will change to half a semester at a time, due to technical issues with our circulation system. However, all faculty & staff will be able to renew materials online up to 4 times through their library account—allowing a full year loan period.
As in the past, we will continue to send out reminder notices via email before items will be due—these will include information on how to renew online.
*Planning for your fall courses? You can submit reserve requests or purchase requests for new materials now. See the Reserves section of the Library’s webpage, or contact your subject librarian.