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Career Services is interested in taking the pulse of our graduating class to learn what you will be doing after commencement.

With this in mind, we'd like to ask you to participate in a brief, 5 question, survey. The results of this survey are for informational purposes only and your name will not be shared in the aggregate data. By participating you not only help us out, but you also become eligible to win a 1 gigabyte iPod Nano! To be in the drawing, we need your response by June 1, 2006!

  • Go to the Graduate Survey

    As a reminder, if you are not sure about your career plans after graduation, Career Services can help. We are open all summer, so please stop by or call us!

    Congratulations on this significant life achievement!

  • Graduates: Help Us Learn About Your Success - You Could Win an iPod! | 0 Comments |
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