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June 3 Bus Trip to NYC

Contributed by Kasey Spada on 05/15/06 

DON'T MISS OUT ON THE FUN IN THE BIG APPLE! There are only a few seats left on our summer bus trip to New York City.

$32 per person (payable by check only, to Ithaca College) will reserve your seat.

Bus pick-up at IC: 6:00 am SHARP in O-Lot (in front of the Park School of Communications)
One breakfast stop in Clarks-Summit
Two drop-off locations in NYC: Radio City Music Hall AND Macy's
ONE bus pick-up ONLY at Radio City Music Hall at 7:00 pm SHARP!

Please contact for further reservation instructions.

We hope you will join us!

June 3 Bus Trip to NYC | 0 Comments |
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