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Fabulous Commencement!

Contributed by Maura Stephens on 05/15/06 

Kudos to everyone who had anything to do with this year's Commencement. Sad as we may be to say farewell to the fabulous IC class of 2006, still we can be glad they had such a great day for celebrating their accomplishments and strengthening their connections to Ithaca. This was probably the most outstanding class I've known in my nine years here, and the Commencement ceremony and accompanying activities were terrific as well. I am always impressed by the professionalism and competence of my colleagues here at IC, who manage to make Herculean tasks seem easy. Congratulations to the graduates and to all the staff, faculty, and alumni volunteers who made their adieu go so smoothly.

Fabulous Commencement! | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Fabulous Commencement! Comment from malpass on 05/18/06
I agree wholeheartedly with Maura, and would like to add that the new
system by which departments could give out the diplomas to their
graduating seniors was a wonderful improvement. Being able to hand the
seniors their degree, meet the family and congratulation them was a
wonderful experience for all.