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Due to the campus wide power shutdown on Saturday May 20th, the following computer systems and services will be unavailable starting at the times listed below:

At 5 pm Friday May 19th:
*Majordomo listserves
*Health Center
*Judicial Affairs
*Oracle Data Store
*Oracle Enterprise Manager
*Park Equipment Checkout

At 8 pm Friday May 19th:
*Memphis, Pulsar and Nova
*Network print services
*Parnassus, ACE and ARGUS
*Degree Navigator
*Streaming media for ICTV/WICB/VIC

At 5 am Saturday May 20th:
*Email, Webmail, Spamtrap
*IC web pages
*Library databases

ITS hopes to have all systems and services returned to operation by 9 pm Saturday May 20th but, delays in power being returned to the campus will affect this schedule.

ITS Services Affected by Power Shutdown | 0 Comments |
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