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I am pleased to announce the appointment of Gerard Turbide to the position of Director of Admission, effective immediately.

This appointment closes a five-month national search from which Gerard emerged as Ithaca’s candidate of choice. Many of you have worked with Gerard in his prior roles as Associate Director of Admission and as Assistant Director for Admission Programs. Gerard’s thirteen years of experience at Ithaca, working on publications and web system development, have given him an in-depth understanding of the College and of the challenges we face in today’s admission market. His leadership will be critical to advancing Ithaca’s recruitment efforts in the months and years ahead. Please join me in congratulating Gerard on his appointment as Ithaca’s Director of Admission.

Best regards,
Larry Metzger

Appointment of New Director of Admission | 4 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Appointment of New Director of Admission Comment from kkutler on 05/22/06
Congratulations! All of us in athletics and recreation wish you the best as our new director of admissions. I look forward to working with you.
Appointment of New Director of Admission Comment from shamula on 05/22/06
Way to go, Gerard! Congratulations.
Appointment of New Director of Admission Comment from skatz on 05/22/06
Gerard: Congrats - the AARs were rooting for you! - Stu Katz "83
Appointment of New Director of Admission Comment from gturbide on 05/24/06
Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support!
