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A Big Commencement Thank You!

Contributed by Brian McAree on 05/19/06 

Now that Commencement has come and gone and the campus is much quieter, I wanted to thank everyone who played a role with Commencement this year.

I know that the graduating students, and their parents and guests who were present for the festivities, were especially grateful for the dedication and hard work displayed by everyone. The campus looked wonderful, the rain held up on Commencement Day, the various ceremonies and celebrations were well organized, and the warm reception that people received from our staff and faculty was truly recognized and appreciated. Thanks to all for your contributions in making Commencement so memorable!

A Big Commencement Thank You! | 1 Comments |
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A Big Commencement Thank You! Comment from tbigfor1 on 05/22/06
As a graduate, I would like to personally thank everyone who made my day perfect. I couldn't have asked for anything better. If there were any problems, they were invisible to the graduates and our parents. THANK YOU!!!!