USRowing has declared Saturday, June 10, 2006 National Learn to Row Day. Ithaca College Crew coaches and members of the rowing team will hold a learn to row clinic from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, June 10, at the Ithaca College boathouse. Please contact Becky Robinson at 274-3145 or by email if you would like to participate.
Ithaca College Learn to Row Clinic
Date: Saturday, June 10
Time: 9:00 a.m. to noon
Location: Ithaca College Boathouse
Participants: Ithaca College faculty and staff
Instructors: Becky Robinson, Dan Robinson (Head Coaches), Julie Domina, Heather Reader, Wai Kwong Hui, (Volunteer Assistant Coaches) Members of the 2006 IC Crew.
Cost: Free
9:00: Introduction, tour, safety discussion.
9:30: Land instruction on the ergometer: basic rowing stroke and coxswain commands.
10:00: Launching the shells and dock instruction.
11:00: Row for 30-45 minutes, participants will be accompanied by members of the men’s and women’s rowing team.
11:30 Wrap-up
Safety/Liability: We will follow USRowing safety guidelines and Ithaca Crew safety procedures. All participants will sign a USRowing waiver, an Ithaca College waiver, and verify their ability to swim. Each rowing shell will be accompanied by a safety launch that will be equipped with lifejackets for all participants.