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Rock Climbing at Little Falls

Contributed by Susanna Stumpe on 06/05/06 

Recreational Sports is planning a trip to Little Falls, NY:

  • Wednesday, June 14
  • $30 / person
  • Pack a lunch
  • Vans will be departing the Fitness Center at 8:00 a.m. and returning approximately at 4:30 p.m. Cost includes round trip transportation and climbing gear. Sign up at the Fitness Center front desk, cash or check payable to Ithaca College. Payment due Monday, June 12.

    Due to this trip, there will be NO OPEN climbing time at the IC Wall Wednesday, June 14.

    Rock Climbing at Little Falls | 1 Comments |
    The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
    Rock Climbing at Little Falls Comment from tastle on 06/08/06
    The rock in LF is pre-Cambrian biotite gneiss and basalt that was uplifted to the surface by a thrust fault located to the east of LF. On the other side of Moss Island (the area where you will likely be rock climbing) is an area of exceptional glacial erosion you don't want to miss. They are called "potholes" for reasons that will become obvious. Just be careful while walking the trails and try not to add to the herd-trail mentality. For a very nice (but somewhate expensive) dinner, try the Canel Side Restaurant (French). By the way, see you can identify the rock outcropping along the road to the liftlock that is called "the witch."

    In case you are wondering about the accuracy of this information, I'm a Little Falls boy!

    Bill Tastle