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The Center for Faculty Excellence and the Health Promotion and Substance Abuse Prevention Program announce a competition for two $300 summer stipends to develop a classroom exercise that uses data about the health attitudes and behavior of Ithaca College students. Proposals are due on June 23 and receipients will be notified by June 30.

This is a followup to a very successful stipend program in the summer of 2004 and funds are provided by the Health Promotion and Substance Abuse Prevention Program. Faculty members who are full-time or regular part-time teachers are eligible. Projects can be from any discipline, and can involve students in manipulating the data or in using data provided by the instructor. Prior projects have come from exercise science, heatlh education, psychology, sociology, economics, and mathematics.

Please visit the Center for Faculty Excellence,, where you can download a description of the program and a cover sheet as well as a description of the prior project. For additional information, feel free to contact Susanne Morgan, Center for Faculty Excellence,, or Priscilla Quirk, Health Promotion and Substance Abuse Prevention Program,

Summer Stipend: Health Data in the Classroom | 0 Comments |
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