Submitted by Howard Erlich
On behalf of the American Conference of Academic Deans, Chair-elect Howard Erlich solicits program proposals for ACAD’s 2007 conference (January 17-20 in New Orleans).
The request for proposals is below. Please consider and if appropriate submit a proposal. An excellent opportunity to showcase Ithaca quality and ideas.
The ACAD Board of Directors invites proposals for presentations at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Conference of Academic Deans (ACAD). The meeting will be held in New Orleans, January 17-20, 2007. ACAD’s theme for the meeting will be “Meeting the Test: Responding to the Big Questions,” complementing the AAC&U theme, “Real Tests: Liberal Education and Democracy’s Big Questions.” Typically ACAD establishes a complementary theme and invites proposals on that theme.
ACAD invites program proposals which focus on the dean’s role in initiating, clarifying and implementing responses to the real tests faced by colleges and universities across the country. ACAD’s theme, in conjunction with AAC&U’s, seeks proposals from institutions and/or individuals whose ideas, academic programs and activities respond to democracy’s big questions. Responses may take the form of exemplary or innovative academic programs, requirements, coursework. Or, campuses, departments, and individual faculty or administrators may be responding to democracy’s “big questions” through other avenues as liberal education’s mission continues to be tested.
Some possible program directions:
• Curricular revisions and initiatives
• The global outlook for democracy
• Using the New Orleans venue
• How “political” can a dean be? The dean’s role in stimulating campus conversation
• Using AAC&U’s statement “Diversity and Civic Engagement” to elicit the big questions
• Case studies
• Distance or e-learning: challenge and opportunity for the liberal arts?
• Where we live: How place shapes our liberal arts mission
• Assessment: using it to respond to the real tests
• Campus civility and the big questions
• Focus on community college concerns
Proposals for 60-75 minute sessions addressing this year’s theme will be accepted until July 5, 2006. We expect to have up to nine conference session slots allocated to the ACAD program for these presentations. All presenters must be registered for the AAC&U/ACAD meeting.
Your proposal must contain the following information:
1) a title for your session
2) a brief narrative (75-100 words suitable for conference promotional materials) describing the content of your presentation including specifics about how the audience will be engaged with the topic (small group discussion; case study, etc.)
3) the names, titles, and institutional affiliations of the other members in your group (maximum limit of 3 participants)
4) specifics about audio-visual equipment needed (e.g., PowerPoint, overhead projector, etc.)
5) contact information for you in July, 2006 (email, mailing address, fax)
To facilitate the review of your proposal by the ACAD program review members, please submit your proposal electronically (to arrive no later than July 5, 2006) to
Questions: feel free to email me or give a call at 607-274-3102.
Best wishes for a successful end of semester. I look forward to receiving your proposal. Thank you.
Howard S. Erlich, Dean
School of Humanities and Sciences
Ithaca College
Ithaca NY 14850
Phone: 607-274-3102
Fax: 607-274-1845