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Marina Todd Retiring

Contributed by Tom Torello on 06/08/06 

Marina Todd, director of creative services, has decided to take early retirement and leave Ithaca later this month. Marina's last day in the office will be June 23. She will continue to work with us on a number of critical projects throughout the rest of the year.

There is simply no way for us in marketing communications to express the depth of our appreciation for Marina's profound contributions to Ithaca during her 20 years at the College. It is impossible to imagine replacing her talents, dedication, skills, and creativity. She will be greatly missed by her colleagues in Alumni Hall as well as the many people across campus who have worked with Marina and who appreciate her commitment to maintaining the highest standards in all aspects of her work.

There will be a party for Marina on Tuesday, June 20, at 3:00 p.m. in the Alumni Hall Conference Room. Please join us in congratulating Marina on this exciting new chapter in her life.

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