On behalf of the Center for Faculty Excellence, I wish to express my great admiration and deep appreciation for the outstanding leadership by our faculty and staff in making this years Summer Institute, Implementing the Mission, a great success. More than 70 people participated in at least one session, and the quality of the sessions was excellent. In particular, Michael Smith, Assistant Professor of History and Fellow in the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, provided skillful facilitation of the two viewings of the film Declining by Degrees, and a stimulating, well-designed workshop on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a capstone to the event. He also served as a co-designer of the entire institute.
The other sessions were carefully designed and demonstrated important teaching strategies within the learning outcomes related to implementing the college mission and core experiences. People who led those sessions are listed below.
Kathy Barbieri, Instructional Support Services Coordinator
o The IC ePortfolio
David Garcia, Associate Dean, School of Humanities and Sciences and faculty in English, member First Year Experience Coordinating Committee
o Teaching the Whole Student
Jason Hamilton, Assistant Professor, Biology, certified trainer by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Education
o Social and Environmental Responsibility
Nancy Jacobson, Assistant Professor, Biology
o Teaching the Whole Student
Danette Johnson, Associate Professor, Speech Communication
o Using Ithaca Data with Ithaca Students
Rebecca Plante, Assistant Professor, Sociology
o Teaching Critical and Analytical Thinking
Bonnie Solt Prunty, Director of Residential Life and Judicial Affairs, member, First Year Experience Coordinating Committee
o Being a Comprehensive Residential College
Michael Rogers, Assistant Professor, Physics
o Teaching Critical and Analytical Thinking
Jim Rothenberg, Associate Professor of Sociology and Coordinator, Ithaca Seminar Program, member, First Year Experience Coordinating Committee
o Being a Comprehensive Residential College
Cyndy Scheibe, Associate Professor of Psychology and Director, Project LookSharp
o Using ePortfolios
Warren Schlessinger, Associate Professor of Accounting
o Being a Comprehensive Residential College
Steve Sweet, Assistant Professor, Sociology
o Using Ithaca Data with Ithaca Students
Susan Swensen, Associate Professor, Biology, certified trainer by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Education
o Social and Environmental Responsibility
Janet Wigglesworth, Associate Dean, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance and faculty in Exercise Science
o Using Ithaca Data with Ithaca Students
Greg Woodward, Professor of Music and Dean of Graduate Studies, member Aesthetic Experience Working Group of Core Experience Implementation Project
o Integrating the Aesthetic Experience
Finally, a Collaborative Project Grant from the Provosts Office supported Betsabe Luna, Sociology, 07, to work as a research assistant in assessing the institute.
Congratulations to all of the participants and to these fine professionals.