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It is with great sadness that I inform the Ithaca College community of the death of Rob Meunier, program coordinator at the Ithaca College Pendleton Center in Los Angeles.

Rob passed away earlier this week at his home in Los Angeles, CA after a year-long battle with brain cancer.

Rob joined the Pendleton Center in 1999 as assistant to the director and was promoted to program coordinator in 2002. Over his seven years at the LA Center, Rob became a mentor and a friend to the hundreds of students who passed through his program; they always came back to Ithaca with fond memories of and great stories about their interactions with him.

If you've had the opportunity to meet or work with Rob directly, you know what a model of wit, charm and generosity he was -- as sharp and funny as he was kind and thoughtful. Steve Tropiano, director at the Ithaca College Pendleton Center described him very eloquently yesterday: Rob was a real gentleman.

Steve has been in touch with Rob's family, and we will share the details of the arrangements as we receive them.


Dr. Dianne Lynch, Dean
Roy H. Park School of Communications
Ithaca College

Sad News for the Park School and Ithaca College Community | 5 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Sad News for the Park School and Ithaca College Community Comment from jhindman on 06/22/06
It is, indeed, sad news to hear about Rob's death. It's been several years since I was able to work with him in coordinating photography of our students at the L.A. center, but I remember fondly how thorough and helpful and especially generous Rob was in our work together. A gentleman, indeed.

My prayers and sympathy go out to Rob's family and friends.
Sad News for the Park School and Ithaca College Community Comment from mpotter1 on 06/22/06
Rob was a great advisor. You always got the feeling that however busy he was, you could go to him for help. He was a great resource and a great guy. He will be missed by many I'm sure.
Sad News for the Park School and Ithaca College Community Comment from cdrahos1 on 06/22/06
Rob was a great advisor. On top of being a great advisor he was a great
person. Infact Rob had such a perfect life that alot of the students I
knew in LA called him "Hollywood Rob" because of his fantastic lifestyle
and very suave ways. We will all miss Rob, and I am sure the LA
program will never be the same.
Sad News for the Park School and Ithaca College Community Comment from cszudzi1 on 06/22/06
I am extremely saddened to hear this news. Rob was my advisor in LA and he was always so nice and so helpful. I remember telling him that my roommates and I didn't have any patio furniture at our apartment. He immediately offered his own set of patio furniture, saying that he had purchased a new set from Craig's List. He and his family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sad News for the Park School and Ithaca College Community Comment from mfahey1 on 06/26/06
I was an RA under Rob in LA and he always did his best to give us the most fun time possible. He will always be a big part of my Los Angeles experience.