Given the extreme temperatures our whole area of the country is experiencing, we are asking all members of the Ithaca College community to take any reasonable steps you can to help reduce the College’s draw on the electrical power grid.
Please look around your areas and shut off any lighting that is purely decorative in nature such as fixtures focused on plants and display cases. Also reduce lighting in hallways, lounges and lobbies where there is a enough natural light for people to safely navigate through them. Please turn off the lights in classrooms, meeting rooms and restrooms when they are not in use. We will not be running the fountains for the next couple of days as part of this effort as well. Finally, please shut down your computers at the end of each day to reduce the consumption of power overnight. Anything else you can think of will be appreciated as well.
Many of these steps are things we should be more conscious about doing on a regular basis anyway. Small measures taken by each of us can collectively add up to a significant reduction in our total consumption and reduce the amount of heat that taxes our air conditioning systems, which will reduce electrical consumption even more.
Thank you for your cooperation as we all do our best to cope with these unusual weather conditions.
electrical appliances, lights, etc., everyone would notice just how very
unnecessary they are. For example, I walked into the library today, and
found the slightly subdued lighting both pleasant and comforting - I
would strongly support using the same amount of lighting all year. Why,
we could very easily turn this energy crisis into a smooth transition
toward more effecient daily living. Just a thought, take a moment to
consider, friends.